Disguise serves up dynamic content for Sila Sveta’s IN TO immersive installation
Immersive Experiences

After debuting in Perm, Russia in late 2020, the immersive installation IN TO by brand marketer and content creator Sila Sveta was restaged by technical partner dreamlaser studio in the TSEH multimedia art space in Nizhny Novgorod - opening its doors to visitors in June 2021.
In this case study you will see how a Disguise gx 2c media server drove Sila Sveta’s generative content supporting the installation’s theme, “the more you know, the more you discover,” with great success.
day setup in Nizhny Novgorod
days more to accommodate anyone who wanted to see it
20 000+
Instagram stories posted daily by visitors
The challenge
Recreating IN TO in a new venue six months after its debut required adjusting to new height measurements and flooring. A change of projectors was needed and visual optimisation was used to reduce the media server complement to a single gx 2c for eight outputs.
The setup was complex with eight Christie D4K40-RGB projectors as well as seven OptiTrack IR cameras and 21 18W IR illuminators utilised in Nizhny Novgorod with the content delivered from a Disguise gx 2c.
The solution
The data from infrared cameras was processed in a proprietary tracker programme and transmitted to the server in the graphic block of the Notch programme. Developed by Sila Sveta’s Lead Engineer Stanislav Zenkov, the tracker programme in the TouchDesigner environment was the main trick of the installation.
IN TO’s content consisted of five blocks in two layers. The top one was real-time graphics and the bottom was pre-rendered content played on the Disguise server. Real-time content was created based on data showing the position of visitors. A server with TouchDesigner captured an image from OptiTrack cameras, analysed it, then the tracker programme sent the coordinates and a mask to the compiled Notch block on the Disguise server, which played back five blocks on the timeline simultaneously. A custom algorithm allowed Sila Sveta to track the movements of an unlimited number of people to power the responsive graphics.
The months spent preparing for the first installation in Perm meant that the second show required just two days for mounting the physical installation and only one day for software setup and calibration.
Working with Disguise and projection was perfect. Our Disguise engineer made everything happen in only a couple of hours. I could work with Notch blocks while one engineer could do blending and more in Disguise Designer. And at the same time I could connect with other PCs to the Notch block.
Notch Artist and Lead Engineer at Sila Sveta