Giorgio Devecchi

Very few people can claim the privilege of having followed an industry from its very earliest days. For Giorgio Devecchi, though, the last twenty years have been an ongoing opportunity to explore the development of 3D mapping technology. The founder of Vita X Studio has overseen dozens of projects, offering visual design and creative content production that frequently pushes boundaries. We sat down with Giorgio to discuss his career so far, his experience using Disguise, the projects he’s most proud of, and what his vision is for the future of Vita X Studio.

An early adopter

Giorgio’s first involvement with 3D mapping projection came in the early 2010s when the technique had only just entered the live event market. He was immediately hooked by the process, which offered up new opportunities to attempt challenging projects that hadn’t previously been possible.

“Back then,” he says, “3D elaboration wasn’t available, so the whole process was a very different ball game.” Having been so closely involved with the technology for over twenty years, Giorgio has made a name for himself as a leading expert and has filled Vita X Studio with similar talent. “We’ve got extensive expertise on how to evolve and adapt any project,” he tells us, “whether it’s for live events or fixed installations.”

Early career

Giorgio started in the industry as an engineer and programmer and delved into the world of design. He was fascinated by the new opportunities to combine technical implementation with a touch of creativity. Over time, he transitioned into project management and technical management roles, which he credits for giving him insight into every facet of the industry. “Now, as an investor and founder of my own company, it’s amazing to look back at this journey,” he says.

Discovering Disguise

Disguise has been a part of Giorgio’s work for almost as long as he’s been in the industry. “I first started hearing about Disguise around 2010,” he says. “I remember visiting their offices in London with my technical director, and feeling they had a lot of promise. Even though many in the market were still trying to gauge Disguise’s capabilities and possibilities, I could see its value from the start.”

Even before Giorgio began using Disguise’s tech, he was an avid member of the community. He appreciated the way Disguise would listen to clients and industry professionals, and let their first-hand experiences inform the development of their products. Now, Giorgio uses Disguise wherever possible, and enjoys using their pre-production design tools to show clients what a show will look like before the team even gets into the venue.

Honestly, Disguise has been a lifesaver for us. They’re incredibly supportive and available around the clock, no matter where we are in the world.
Giorgio Devecchi
Giorgio Devecchi

Founder of Vita X Studio

A hands-on approach

For Giorgio, it’s important to be part of each project as early in the process as possible. “Our team loves being involved from the initial concept phase,” he says. This approach allows his team to manage expectations from the start, and help ensure that everything is feasible.

It also allows Giorgio to influence the approach taken to delivery. “I’ve done so many presentations where I really emphasized the benefits of using Disguise,” he tells us. “The fast and flexible programming allows us to make changes on the fly without needing to re-render any content.” Being able to instantly demonstrate changes to clients has enabled Vita X Studio to offer an adaptable and efficient service ever since its inception in 2021.

Memorable projects and moments

Though he has worked on a wide array of projects, the ones that stand out to Giorgio are those that stretched the perceived limits of the technologies being used. This was the projection mapping done on the iconic Jordan Gate Towers for the country's Independence Day. As the largest 3D projection mapping the nation had ever seen, the end result was a stunning tribute to independence that could be seen for miles around.

“I realize now that every project is a milestone,” he says. “Each one offers new experiences and opportunities for growth, and every achievement fills me with pride. That’s the beauty of this industry - every day and every new project we take on brings new challenges and joys.”

Giorgio says that he’s never entirely sure what the future will hold, which is why his ongoing focus at Vita X Studio is to build a solid foundation that will allow the company to take on any new challenges that the future presents.

“Our goal is to become a high-product-level, high-delivery-level, high-creative, and technical design company that will continue to be recognized for our hard work and excellence in delivery,” he says.

Giorgio Devecchi’s career is a testament to the value individuals can offer an industry when they connect with a technology and dedicate themselves to exploring all the ways it can be used. His passion has been at the heart of everything he has achieved. Live events can be stressful, he says, but if he could tell newcomers in the industry just one thing, it would be this: “Passion is what keeps you going through it all.”

Learn more about projection mapping