Nokia Lumia London
Immersive Experiences
Brand Experience

Disguise takes projection mapping to the next level with Nokia Lumia and Deadmau5 Millbank Tower display in London.
In 2011 Nokia launched their first ever Windows smart phone, the Nokia Lumia 800. A ground-breaking launch was conceived to put Nokia one step ahead of the game in terms of technology, brand experience and innovation.
Drive Productions worked in partnership with Mission to create an event which would be so astounding that it would go viral within minutes, draw thousands of spectators to London and encourage people worldwide to sign up to Nokia’s Facebook page to view it live.

Using the latest architectural projection mapping technology, Drive’s motion graphics team built an accurate 3D model of the structure. This event required bespoke graphics to be projected directly onto the building, creating fantastic illusions that included the tower appearing to turn into thousands of multi-coloured pixels, through to objects that seemed to shatter the sides of the building before flying out towards the audience.
The one-off event saw the iconic building, a key part of London’s world famous skyline, transformed into a series of startling images. At different stages the building appeared to wobble, collapse, and shatter, turning into everything from a series of giant blinking eyes to hundreds of Tetris like pieces.