Using Previz in production with dandelion + burdock

Creative consultants dandelion + burdock have a long history of using forward-thinking tech to drive ambitious projects, specializing in digitally-led location-based experiences. From Buckingham Palace to the Hoover Dam, they have lit up some of the world’s most iconic structures with dazzling content and immersive visuals. With a strong need to simplify production processes, they rely on Disguise Previz to communicate their final vision.
Create content on a unique canvas
“Our work is geared towards projects that go beyond a ready-made format.” says Nils Porrmann, one of dandelion + burdock’s founders. “Our passion is in shared experiences for real world audiences. This involves live creations.”
Taking on the unique ideas that dandelion + burdock is famous for comes with a challenge. With most spaces not usually being used in this way, each project requires precise planning to deliver high quality work. In many cases, the landmark being lit up is unique and complex as a surface, and, in many cases, the team will only gain access to a venue a few days ahead of the show. Every detail therefore needs to be intricately planned in advance.
For these projects, Disguise’s Previz is often the first port of call. It allows designers to build a mapped digital twin of their venue within Disguise’s workflow. With the ability to preview the project from multiple angles and viewpoints, content can be designed with every potential audience member’s perspective in mind.

Enhance the experience for every audience member
When Nils’ team were called in to create mapped projection for a Fast and Furious live show, Previz offered the tools necessary to design an experience that would be equally impressive wherever the audience was sitting.
“In each arena we had a floor projection in a horseshoe shape,” he says. “The views from the front would be very different from those on the longer sides. Just designing for one particular seat wouldn’t work.”
Previz allowed the team to create the venue in full within the Disguise workflow, giving them the ability to view their creations from anywhere an audience member might be.
All the content could be reviewed and planned out in advance. We could redesign certain looks, or amplify them in order to make the most of the seating. This was about more than proving the visuals, it was making sure that the project would be viable. Seeing the proof that our staging would work out was extremely useful.
founder, dandelion + burdock
Achieve final results - even at the beginning
Because Previz is available within Disguise’s platform, Porrmann found that the designs created in the workflow were instantly ready for use in the final project. “What you see is what you get,” he says. “If I can display it in Previz, then it will be possible onsite too. Which is reassuring and saves so much time.”
“When you see it here, it’s done. These aren’t just 3D scenes that need further translation. The actual act of programming is already complete.”
According to Nils, Previz allows for proof of an idea to simultaneously act as the idea itself, actionable and ready to use. “Once those two things become interchangeable, Previz becomes a uniquely universal tool.”
Previz is now available in Disguise’s suite of Cloud solutions allowing users to plan, preview and share 3D visualisations of their projects. This streamlines the content review process and prepares teams for the final production stage in the most seamless way possible.